coal. Batubara Regent Zahir with the director of PT Pelindo 1, Dian Rachmawan, signed the Location Determination (Penlok) for the development of International Relations Port and Kuala Tanjung Industrial Area, in the office of the Governor of North Sumatera, Jalan Diponegoro, Medan, Friday, (28/2/2020). The signing of Governor Edy Rahmayadi; Chairman of the Batubara PARLIAMENT, M Syafi’i; Dandim 0208 Asahan represented Infantry Major TM Panjaitan; Deputy Chief of Resort Police Batubara, Police Commissioner Abdul Mutalif; Chairman of PN Asahan, Ulina Marbun, and representing Kajari Batubara.
Zahir mentions the determination of the signed location is a requirement of LAW No. 2 of 2012 and Presidential decree 81 year 2018 and delegation of authority of the Governor of North Sumatera to the Regent of Medan with Decree No. 188.44 of 2019.
He said, before this signing, the team was already on duty since 23 October 2019 to record the community rights owners of the land, buildings and plants on it for the area of the village Kuala Indah and Kuala Tanjung, District Sei Suka, Batubara.
“The proposal of a community that does not have land and home will be prepared relocation for shelter. Also, the regional son will be prioritized into a workforce and will be invited to participate in the determination of land, buildings, and plants on it, “he said.
Zahir added, if there is a community that objected to the land, buildings, and plants on it become the development location of the Kuala Tanjung International Port and industrial area, then the location map will be moved to other villages and other sub-districts.
Dian Rachmawan said that PT Pertamina I will build the largest oil refinery in Indonesia in Batubara regency. He asked for support from the government by involving state capital and inviting other state-owned companies to help build Batubara Regency.
“We are Pelindo I commit with the proposal of the Batubara regent as well as ask his staff to work well without any games so this great work will succeed,” he added.
Governor Edy Rahmayadi said Batubara regency will be the largest district in North Sumatra. Therefore, informal problems with the community must be properly and well resolved, well laid out, do not mess up, and let’s work professionally, objectively and sincerely.
“To Police Chief, Dandim and prosecutors to participate in the collection of security disorders, public order. Because I do not want to have my people miserable, “he said.
Reporter: MHD Dian Safei
Editor: Sasli Pranoto Simarmata