Medan, 19 June 2024 _ PT Prima Regional Development (PT PPK) as a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) which is part of PT Pelindo (Persero) (Pelindo Group) participated in commemorating Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah/2024 AD . This time PT PPK handed over 1 ox to the BKM Qurban Committee at At-Taubah Mosque, Hamlet V Sumber Padi, Kuala Tanjung Village.
This was conveyed by the Corporate Secretary of PT PPK, Zefrinal, in his statement, Wednesday, (18/06/2024), in Medan. According to him, this activity is an annual activity that has become the company’s routine every Eid al-Adha holiday.
“This year PT PPK handed over sacrificial animals in the form of cattle as part of the Company’s Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program to the community in Kuala Tanjung Village. “This activity is also part of the Pelindo Sharing Qurban program 1445 H/2024 AD,” he said.
According to Zefrinal, this Eid al-Adha moment is certainly a celebration that is welcomed with great enthusiasm by Muslims throughout the country and teaches the values of sacrifice and togetherness.
Chairman of the BKM Qurban Committee at At Taubah Mosque, Dusun V Sumber Padi, Kuala Tanjung Village, Bachtiar, expressed his gratitude to PT PPK for helping donate sacrificial animals to the Dusun V environment. “Eid al-Adha teaches us about the importance of sharing and sacrificing for others. “Hopefully PT PPK and Pelindo Group can continue to be mutually beneficial partners with the people of Kuala Tanjung,” he said.
The President Director of PT PPK, Akhirman, on a separate occasion conveyed PT PPK’s commitment to distributing sacrificial animals as a form of the Company’s concern for the community and the surrounding environment. “The spirit that PT PPK carries in sacrificing is none other than to increase concern for others. “Apart from that, it is hoped that this activity can strengthen synergy between the Company and the community in the Company’s operational area in Kuala Tanjung.”
This distribution of sacrificial animals is part of the Pelindo Sharing Qurban 1445 H/2024 AD program where all companies that are members of the Pelindo Group, including PT PPK, help distribute sacrificial animals throughout Pelindo Group’s work areas in Indonesia as a form of Pelindo Group’s concern for the surrounding community.