The central government has asked the Batubara Regency Government to expand the Kuala Tanjung industrial area from around 8,609 hectares currently in existence. Responding to that request, the Regency Government together with the DPRD Batubara are discussing the Regional Regulation Draft on the Regional Regulations Revision of Batubara Regency Number 10 of 2013 concerning the 2013-2033 Batubara Regency RTRW.
“Yes, it was a request from the central government to the Kuala Tanjung SEZ. Indeed there was an addition of 3,000 hectares,” said the Regent of Batubara, Zahir to, at the Batubara Regent’s Office, Lima Puluh District, Thursday (07/11/2019) night.
He said, the addition of the Kuala Tanjung industrial area would be a magnet for investors to invest in order increasing regional income.
Based on the dynamics of changes in spatial patterns and spatial structure caused by the interests of the Batubara Regency area and the policy of the national strategic area plan, it is necessary to adjust Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2013 to be reviewed.
He said, based on the Minister of ATR / BPN Regulation No. 6 of 2017, stipulates that it is permissible to revise / revoke regional regulations on regional spatial plans after being in effect for five years along with the review stage.
As stated by him, after reviewing the dynamics of changes in spatial patterns and spatial structure, including the expansion of new districts, urban systems, terminal plans, forest area integration from Ministry of Forestry Decree 44 of 2005 to Decree 579 of 2014, office areas, plantation areas, management systems B3 and TPA, agricultural area, trade and service area, strategic area and Kuala Tanjung independent city area.
“From the dynamics of the change in the results of the review of Regional Regulation Number 10/2013, it is feasible to be revised / revoked adjusting the existing spatial pattern and spatial structure to adjust the RPJMD and RPJPD,” he said.
With the proposal of the independent city of Kuala Tanjung which will become a buffer zone for the industrial estate, it will make the economic growth of the community increasing.
“The impact of the revision of Regional Regulation Number 10/2013 for the community, among others, can increase community economic improvement, better city planning, space utilization and participation in national strategic policies,” he added.