Medan, October 28, 2022 _ PT Prima Pengembangan Kawasan (PPK) as a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistk (SPSL) in an effort to improve the quality of the company’s Human Resources (HR) sends its employees to attend professional training.
This is related to the company’s Management Work Plan (RKM), which is an increase in the capability and productivity of employees who have succeeded in recording management performance achievements of up to 100%. PT PPK has sent two of its employees to take part in training on Detailed RKL / RPL Implementation and Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) After the Job Creation Law for Industrial Estates organized by PT. PPK. SysLab and the Indonesian Industrial Estate Association on 6-7 July 2022 at Teraskita Hotel Jakarta.
Director of Finance and General Affairs of PT PPK Arif Hotomo stated that Superior Human Resources are prepared with one of the strategies, namely employees attending various professional trainings according to their individual competencies. “In addition, in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of world-class human resources, it begins with strengthening the talent selection strategy which includes selecting employees who perform superiorly, have competencies that are able to apply the main values of AKHLAK, and have the competencies required to face the challenges ahead.” He said, Thursday (27/10)
In addition, PT PPK will also continue to make efforts to improve the quality and competitiveness of Human Resources (HR) within the company with various trainings to support competencies in existing Divisions such as training on Business Development, Risk Management, Occupational Health and Safety (K3)/SMK3, Environment, Industrial Estate Infrastructure, Goods and Services Training, Public Relations and Corporate Secretary , IT Governance and Information Security Systems and Special Training of Advocates and Legal Auditors.
The impact of improving performance as a result of company transformation, of course, is also felt by employees in the form of increased welfare. PT PPK will become an integrated, modern, smart and environmentally friendly area developer by providing intergarsion area services that can provide added value to its stakeholders as the Company’s vision and mission.