Medan, 12 December 2022 _ PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan or PT PPK continues to make efforts to implement company values after the Pelindo merger. PT PPK as a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) under the auspices of the Pelindo Group has carried out various programs aimed at supporting the overall improvement of the company’s performance.
“PT PPK has made various efforts to support the company’s performance improvement, one of which is through the AKHLAK cultural transformation program,” said the Main Director of PT PPK Jansen Sitohang.
Jansen Sitohang added, PT PPK does not only focus on business processes but simultaneously puts forward one of the most important elements in a company, namely workers or human resources (HR) through cultural internalization and competency improvement PPK workers have conducted training.
Various programs for internalizing AKHLAK values in PPK, namely through regular socialization through social media channels, weekly meetings and also activities such as sharing sessions. One of the efforts to support the internalization of the AKHLAK culture is to support the holding of the NGOPI (Full Inspirational Chat) program within the SPSL Group by adopting a theme based on AKHLAK values related to current issues or challenges that must be faced by PT PPK personnel. Some time ago. PT PPK participated in the NGOPI program with material presented by Mr. Jansen Sitohang.
As for increasing the competence of workers, throughout 2022 PT PPK has assigned workers to take part in trainings both held by the Pelindo Group and training held independently such as training on Implementation of Detailed RKL/RPL and Management of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) Waste. After the Job Creation Law for Industrial Areas, training on the 2013 COSO Standard-Based Internal Control System, Human Capital training and certification, and other training.
“Through the internalization of culture and increasing the competence of workers within PT PPK, it is hoped that it will be able to provide motivation, increase understanding so that it can make the company even better,” concluded Jansen Sitohang.
About PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan:
PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan (PPK), also known as PT PPK, is a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL). PT PPK was established and began operating in 2015 with a 90% shareholding composition by PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) and 10% by PT Prima Multi Terminal (PMT).
PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) is one of the subholdings of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) in the logistics and hinterland development business cluster which has 6 Subsidiaries including PT PPK.
In the early stages of its establishment, PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan will carry out the Development and Management of an Industrial Estate in Kuala Tanjung, where the project in question has become part of the National Strategic Project based on Presidential Regulation Number 56 of 2018 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2016 concerning Acceleration of Implementation National Strategic Project in conjunction with Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2018 concerning the Acceleration of Development and Operation of the Kuala Tanjung Port and Industrial Area in North Sumatra Province.
Currently PT PPK provides industrial area leasing and management services, industrial area development and management services, consultants in the field of operations management and maintenance of industrial areas, clean water management installation services, waste treatment services, provision of generators, electrical installations, telephone installations, & facilities other necessary in supporting the management of industrial estates and logistics activities.
For further information, please contact:
Askaro Public Relations & Corporate IT
PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan
Grha Pelindo One Floor 6 B Jl. Harbor Circle No. 1 Belawan, Medan – 204111
Phone : 0823 7039 4773
Fax : (061) 41000055
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