Medan, 30 June 2023 – PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan (PPK) as a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) in the framework of implementing the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL) in the work environment of PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan has participated in the implementation of the TJSL program.
Implementation of the PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan TJSL program as a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL Group) in the form of distributing sacrificial animals as a form of gratitude and a form of PT Prima Pembangunan Kawasan’s (SPSL Group) social concern for the surrounding community, and is one of the efforts in maintaining good relations with all stakeholders in the company’s work area and carrying out the Qurban of 3 goats which was carried out at the Al-Manar Mosque in Kuala Tanjung Village, Sei Suka sub-district, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra.

With the implementation of the TJSL program in the form of distributing sacrificial animals, hopefully this will benefit the community and improve the good relations that have existed so far with religious organizations and the community around the Company’s work environment.