The signing of the Deed and Legal Administration Documents on Monday, February 28, 2022, and the inauguration of the Transfer of Shares (inbreng) of five Logistics & Hinterland Development Cluster Subsidiaries of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) to Subholding PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
The five subsidiaries that will be transferred to PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik are PT Multi Terminal Indonesia, PT Nusantara Terminal Service, PT Prima Indonesia Logistik, PT Prima Regional Development, and PT Pelindo Logistik Indonesia.
The purification of the portfolio through the stock exchange is expected to sharpen the competence of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik in the logistics and hinterland development fields in order to provide value creation for the Pelindo group and realize the aspirations of stakeholders in the logistics and hinterland businesses.